
Intuitive Author Coaching

If you're an author who is looking to level up, Kaye can help you get there by offering divine guidance and by removing energetic blockages that may be holding you back. 

Not only is Kaye an author, she's a psychic medium, personal and professional development coach, Reiki Master, and an ordained minister. With over ten years of experience, she has performed more than a thousand readings for people all over the world. Her additional certifications in Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT - Tapping), and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) give her a breadth of skills to utilize in order to best assist her clients. She is also certified in forensic mediumship, and has worked with law enforcement agencies throughout the country.

In addition, Kaye has been an entrepreneur in various industries for nearly fifteen years. Her experience led her to become a business development and branding coach for numerous small businesses. Now, she's extending her services to authors.
A session with Kaye is lovingly referred to as a kick in the butt from spirit, because she often shines a mirror on the hard things we don't want to acknowledge but need to in order to become the best versions of ourselves. 
  • Multi-Sensory Abilities: Kaye's heightened clairaudient, clairsentient, clairvoyant, and claircognizant abilities ensure a comprehensive and vivid connection with the spirit world. She can hear, see, feel, and intuitively know messages from the other side.
  • Intuitive Counselor: Kaye collaborates closely with her spirit guides, your spirit guides, and angels to channel and deliver messages with precision and purpose in cohesion with her powerful intuition.
  • Empathetic Healing: As an empath, Kaye can feel the emotions of others, enhancing her effectiveness as a healer during all of her sessions.
  • Lineage & Expertise: Kaye is a Certified Reiki Master whose lineage is only five degrees from Dr. Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki, and only one degree from William Lee Rand, the founder of Kahuna & Fire Reiki. She excels at detecting and removing energetic blockages that are hindering people from living their best lives.

Examples of What Kaye Can Help With:

  • Should I hire Jane Doe as my assistant?
  • Is partnering with XYZ Public Relations Company the right move for me?
  • Where should I focus my energy in order to grow my author business?
  • My sales have plateaued. What should I do to increase book sales and attract new readers?
  • Should I switch genres?
  • I haven't been able to write. Why do I have writer's block and what should I do to overcome it?
  • A BookBub Featured Deal brought me more success than I'd expected. How do I leverage that?
  • Is a rapid release strategy right for me?
  • My marriage just fell apart, so I don't feel like writing romance. Help!
  • My mom passed away before I was able to publish my first book. She inspired me to write, and I wish I could talk to her about it. Can you channel her?
  • Am I meant to be an author? Sometimes, I think I should give up.
  • I'm getting frustrated with TikTok. Should I keep trying or abandon it?
  • I don't know what to ask, can you just give me guidance on my career?

Join the IAC Community:

The Intuitive Author Coaching Facebook group serves as a supportive community for authors who are looking to get unstuck and level up. It's a place to vent and encourage one another. The group provides a platform for Kaye to do exclusive group readings in a private setting. You'll also see her drop in there to post collective readings and helpful tips, in addition to Live events. Oh, and you get a discount on your first reading! 

Join the Facebook Group


Quick Question

Do you have a decision to make about your author career and want divine guidance about what to do? Guided by intuition, oracle cards, and a profound connection with spirit guides and angels, Kaye brings clarity and insight to your burning questions.

Pose a question and receive a recorded audio email response. Quick and precise, this option is perfect for those seeking immediate insights into a specific topic.

1 Question --- $30

30 Minute Session

Are you looking for guidance on a particular aspect of your author journey? Kaye can communicate with your spirit guides to help you advance on your path. 

This 30-minute reading is perfect if you have a specific area of authorhood to address, or if you need a quick redirect in your career. 

This phone reading will give you the boost you need to move forward.

30 minutes --- $75

60 Minute Session

Are you feeling out of sorts? Maybe even desperate to make a change because you've been stagnant for too long? 

Not only will this reading address aspects of your author career, but it will look at your life as a whole to decipher where you need to find balance in order to thrive. 

If you're serious about success, this 60-minute phone reading with Kaye will get you aligned with your path.

60 minutes --- $140

If you're interested in a multi-session coaching package, please contact Kaye via the form at the bottom of this page, and she will work with you to customize a plan that will best suit your needs.

If you're not an author, Kaye would still be happy to work with you! To book an intuitive mediumship reading, utilize the button below.

Book Now


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Self-Improvement Tools

Balance is not something you find, it is something you create. Put yourself higher on your to-do list today because the sooner you start, the sooner you will succeed. Remember, to be the best at anything, you must first become the best version of yourself, and this Accountability Tracker will help you get there!

  • 20 Weekly Balance Checklists
  • 90 Self-Care Activity Tracker Sheets

This journal is designed to help you prioritize yourself better by allowing you to collect data that demonstrates how taking self-care time has a positive impact on your life. There are two parts to this simple process that won’t take you more than a couple of minutes a day to complete.

Get the Journal Free Printable Worksheets

Are you ready to live the life you desire? Manifest your dreams with this journal designed to help you visualize the goals you want to bring to fruition. There is space for eleven manifestations over the course of fifty-five days. These manifestations can be done sequentially, or you may use this tool as needed. This journal also utilizes the scripting method of manifestation, making this a comprehensive tool for organizing your goals and creating the life you desire through the law of attraction.

  • 11 Scripting Journal Pages
  • 55 Days of the 55x5 Manifestation Technique Worksheets

Get the Journal Free Printable Worksheets

Connect with Kaye

Use the contact form to ask Kaye about booking a reading

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